Resources for Veterans
Find resources here specifically for veterans:
- Vets in Tech supports current and returning veterans with re-integration services and through connections to the national technology ecosystem.
- Free 1-year Premium subscription to LinkedIn
- 1 hour mentorship resource for all veterans about any subject. How it works: You set up a profile, and then search for mentors you want to chat with - there’s an automated call feature that connects you at a pre-determined time. I’ve probably had over 30 calls with vets in the industry.
Training, Upskilling, & Career Counseling
- CSS Learning Academy provides resources and training for veterans if you want to add to your technical skillset
- Vetd Talent Network is a platform that highlights our military’s top talent, promotes professional development opportunities, and builds vital relationships in the business community.
- American Corporate Partners provides corporate career counseling to support in the transition from the military to the civilian workforce.
- VetSec is a nonprofit helping verterans enter careers in cybersecurity
- Check out a sponsorship or mentorship opportunities at Operation Code