Beat Box
Iteration 2
Additional Methods - insert
and prepend
Now we have nodes and a LinkedList
class that manages the list. Next step is to add the insert
and prepend
will add nodes to the beginning of the list.
will insert one or more elements at a given position in the list. It takes two parameters, the first one is the position at which to insert nodes, the second parameter is the string of data to be inserted.
Expected behavior:
pry(main)> require "./lib/linked_list"
#=> true
pry(main)> require "./lib/node"
#=> true
pry(main)> list =
#=> #<LinkedList:0x000000010d670c88 @head=nil>
pry(main)> list.append("plop")
pry(main)> list.to_string
#=> "plop"
pry(main)> list.append("suu")
pry(main)> list.to_string
# "plop suu"
pry(main)> list.prepend("dop")
pry(main)> list.to_string
#=> "dop plop suu"
pry(main)> list.count
#=> 3
pry(main)> list.insert(1, "woo")
pry(main)> list.to_string
#=> "dop woo plop suu"
Additional Methods - find
, pop
, includes?
Perfect, we are almost there! Next is to add find
, pop
and includes?
takes two parameters, the first indicates the first position to return and the second parameter specifies how many elements to return.
gives back true or false whether the supplied value is in the list.
removes the last element from the list and returns it.
Expected behavior:
pry(main)> list.to_string
#=> "deep woo shi shu blop"
pry(main)> list.find(2, 1)
#=> "shi"
pry(main)> list.find(1, 3)
#=> "woo shi shu"
pry(main)> list.includes?("deep")
#=> true
pry(main)> list.includes?("dep")
#=> false
pry(main)> list.pop
#=> "blop"
pry(main)> list.pop
#=> "shu"
pry(main)> list.to_string
#=> "deep woo shi"