Beat Box

Iteration 4 - Extensions

1. Validating Beats

There are a lot of words which aren’t going to work for beats. Like Mississippi.

Add validation to your program such that the input beats must be members of your defined list. Insertion of a beat not in the list is rejected. Like this:

pry(main)> bb ="deep")
#=> #<BeatBox:0x000000010f500108 @list=#<LinkedList:0x000000010f4e3ee0 @head=#<Node:0x000000010d179d88 @data="deep", @next_node=nil>>>

pry(main)> bb.append("Mississippi")

pry(main)> bb.all
#=> "deep"

pry(main)> bb.prepend("tee tee tee Mississippi")

pry(main)> bb.all
#=> "tee tee tee deep"

Here’s a starter list of valid beats, but add more if you like:

tee dee deep bop boop la na

2. Speed & Voice

Let’s make it so the user can control the voice and speed of playback. You may not have all the voices referenced here available on your machine. You can check which voices you have by following the steps documented here.

Originally we showed you to use say -r 500 -v Boing where r is the rate and v is the voice. Let’s setup a usage like this:

pry(main)> bb ="deep dop dop deep")
#=> #<BeatBox:0x000000010f500108 @list=#<LinkedList:0x000000010f4e3ee0 @head=#<Node:0x000000010d179d88 @data="deep", @next_node=#<Node:0x000000010d179d38 @data="dop", @next_node=#<Node:0x000000010d179c70 @data="dop", @next_node=#<Node:0x000000010d179d38 @data="deep", @next_node=nil>>>>>>

#=> # plays the four sounds normal speed with Boing voice

pry(main)> bb.rate = 100
#=> 100

#=> # plays the four sounds slower with Boing voice

pry(main)> bb.voice = "Daniel"
#=> "Daniel"

#=> # plays the four sounds slower with Daniel voice

pry(main)> bb.reset_rate
#=> 500

pry(main)> bb.reset_voice
#=> "Boing"

#=> # plays the four sounds normal speed with Boing voice

Note: You do not need to test the play method, but are welcome to give it a shot

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