Iteration 2 - Adding Features and Creating Objects from Data Sources

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Test Driven Development

In this iteration, you are required to use TDD to add functionality to your classes. Use the interaction pattern to determine what a method should do and write one or more tests to verify that expected behavior. Then you can implement the method. You should always write code with the purpose of making a test pass.

Now that we have our new Registrant class, let’s add some functionality to our Facility class so a specific DMV facility can administer services to our registrants.

  • The DMV allows facilities to perform the following services:
    • Register a vehicle
      • Vehicles have the following rules:
        • Vehicles 25 years old or older are considered antique and cost $25 to register
        • Electric Vehicles (EV) cost $200 to register
        • All other vehicles cost $100 to register
        • A vehicle’s plate_type should be set to :regular, :antique, or :ev upon successful registration.
    • Administer a written test
      • A written test can only be administered to registrants with a permit and who are at least 16 years of age
    • Administer a road test
      • A road test can only be administered to registrants who have passed the written test
      • For simplicity’s sake, Registrants who qualify for the road test automatically earn a license
    • Renew a driver’s license
      • A license can only be renewed if the registrant has already passed the road test and earned a license

NOTE: A facility must offer a service in order to perform it. Just because the DMV allows facilities to perform certain services, does not mean that every facility provides every service.

Vehicle Registration

Use the following interaction pattern to help build this functionality:

pry(main)> require './lib/facility'
#=> true

pry(main)> require './lib/vehicle'
#=> true

pry(main)> facility_1 ={name: 'DMV Tremont Branch', address: '2855 Tremont Place Suite 118 Denver CO 80205', phone: '(720) 865-4600'})
#=> #<Facility:0x000000010e5ad5e8 @address="2855 Tremont Place Suite 118 Denver CO 80205", @name="DMV Tremont Branch", @phone="(720) 865-4600", @services=[]>

pry(main)> facility_2 ={name: 'DMV Northeast Branch', address: '4685 Peoria Street Suite 101 Denver CO 80239', phone: '(720) 865-4600'})
#=> #<Facility:0x000000010e5ad480 @address="4685 Peoria Street Suite 101 Denver CO 80239", @name="DMV Northeast Branch", @phone="(720) 865-4600", @services=[]>

pry(main)> cruz ={vin: '123456789abcdefgh', year: 2012, make: 'Chevrolet', model: 'Cruz', engine: :ice} )
#=> #<Vehicle:0x0000000135a48b08 @engine=:ice, @make="Chevrolet", @model="Cruz", @plate_type=nil, @registration_date=nil, @vin="123456789abcdefgh", @year=2012>

pry(main)> bolt ={vin: '987654321abcdefgh', year: 2019, make: 'Chevrolet', model: 'Bolt', engine: :ev} )
#=> #<Vehicle:0x0000000125832180 @engine=:ev, @make="Chevrolet", @model="Bolt", @plate_type=nil, @registration_date=nil, @vin="987654321abcdefgh", @year=2019>

pry(main)> camaro ={vin: '1a2b3c4d5e6f', year: 1969, make: 'Chevrolet', model: 'Camaro', engine: :ice} )
#=> #<Vehicle:0x0000000135adb610 @engine=:ice, @make="Chevrolet", @model="Camaro", @plate_type=nil, @registration_date=nil, @vin="1a2b3c4d5e6f", @year=1969>

pry(main)> facility_1.add_service('Vehicle Registration')
#=> ["Vehicle Registration"]

pry(main)> cruz.registration_date
#=> nil

pry(main)> facility_1.registered_vehicles
#=> []

pry(main)> facility_1.collected_fees
#=> 0

pry(main)> facility_1.register_vehicle(cruz)
#=> [#<Vehicle:0x0000000135a48b08...>]

pry(main)> cruz.registration_date
#=> #<Date: 2023-01-12 ((2459957j,0s,0n),+0s,2299161j)>

pry(main)> cruz.plate_type
#=> :regular

pry(main)> facility_1.registered_vehicles
#=> [#<Vehicle:0x0000000135a48b08...>]

pry(main)> facility_1.collected_fees
#=> 100

pry(main)> facility_1.register_vehicle(camaro)
#=> [#<Vehicle:0x0000000135a48b08...>, #<Vehicle:0x0000000135adb610...>]

pry(main)> camaro.registration_date
#=> #<Date: 2023-01-12 ((2459957j,0s,0n),+0s,2299161j)>

pry(main)> camaro.plate_type
#=> :antique

pry(main)> facility_1.register_vehicle(bolt)
#=> [#<Vehicle:0x0000000135a48b08...>, #<Vehicle:0x0000000135adb610...>, #<Vehicle:0x0000000125832180...>]

pry(main)> bolt.registration_date
#=> #<Date: 2023-01-12 ((2459957j,0s,0n),+0s,2299161j)>

pry(main)> bolt.plate_type
#=> :ev

pry(main)> facility_1.registered_vehicles
#=> [#<Vehicle:0x0000000135a48b08...>, #<Vehicle:0x0000000135adb610...>, #<Vehicle:0x0000000125832180...>]

pry(main)> facility_1.collected_fees
#=> 325

pry(main)> facility_2.registered_vehicles
#=> []

#=> []

pry(main)> facility_2.register_vehicle(bolt)
#=> nil

pry(main)> facility_2.registered_vehicles
#=> []

pry(main)> facility_2.collected_fees
#=> 0

Getting a Driver’s License

Use the following interaction pattern to help build this functionality:

pry(main)> require './lib/registrant'
#=> true

pry(main)> require './lib/facility'
#=> true

pry(main)> registrant_1 ='Bruce', 18, true )
#=> #<Registrant:0x000000012d863e80 @age=18, @license_data={:written=>false, :license=>false, :renewed=>false}, @name="Bruce", @permit=true>

pry(main)> registrant_2 ='Penny', 16 )
#=> #<Registrant:0x000000012d94ba78 @age=16, @license_data={:written=>false, :license=>false, :renewed=>false}, @name="Penny", @permit=false>

pry(main)> registrant_3 ='Tucker', 15 )
#=> #<Registrant:0x000000012d8b0e38 @age=15, @license_data={:written=>false, :license=>false, :renewed=>false}, @name="Tucker", @permit=false>

pry(main)> facility_1 ={name: 'DMV Tremont Branch', address: '2855 Tremont Place Suite 118 Denver CO 80205', phone: '(720) 865-4600'})
#=> #<Facility:0x000000010e5ad5e8 @address="2855 Tremont Place Suite 118 Denver CO 80205", @name="DMV Tremont Branch", @phone="(720) 865-4600", @services=[]>

pry(main)> facility_2 ={name: 'DMV Northeast Branch', address: '4685 Peoria Street Suite 101 Denver CO 80239', phone: '(720) 865-4600'})
#=> #<Facility:0x000000010e5ad480 @address="4685 Peoria Street Suite 101 Denver CO 80239", @name="DMV Northeast Branch", @phone="(720) 865-4600", @services=[]>

#Written Test

pry(main)> registrant_1.license_data
#=> {:written=>false, :license=>false, :renewed=>false}

pry(main)> registrant_1.permit?
#=> true

pry(main)> facility_1.administer_written_test(registrant_1)
#=> false

pry(main)> registrant_1.license_data
#=> {:written=>false, :license=>false, :renewed=>false}

pry(main)> facility_1.add_service('Written Test')
#=> ["Written Test"]

pry(main)> facility_1.administer_written_test(registrant_1)
#=> true

pry(main)> registrant_1.license_data
#=> {:written=>true, :license=>false, :renewed=>false}

pry(main)> registrant_2.age
#=> 16

pry(main)> registrant_2.permit?
#=> false

pry(main)> facility_1.administer_written_test(registrant_2)
#=> false

pry(main)> registrant_2.earn_permit

pry(main)> facility_1.administer_written_test(registrant_2)
#=> true

pry(main)> registrant_2.license_data
#=> {:written=>true, :license=>false, :renewed=>false}

pry(main)> registrant_3.age
#=> 15

pry(main)> registrant_3.permit?
#=> false

pry(main)> facility_1.administer_written_test(registrant_3)
#=> false

pry(main)> registrant_3.earn_permit

pry(main)> facility_1.administer_written_test(registrant_3)
#=> false

pry(main)> registrant_3.license_data
#=> {:written=>false, :license=>false, :renewed=>false}

# Road Test

pry(main)> facility_1.administer_road_test(registrant_3)
#=> false

pry(main)> registrant_3.earn_permit

pry(main)> facility_1.administer_road_test(registrant_3)
#=> false

pry(main)> registrant_3.license_data
#=> {:written=>false, :license=>false, :renewed=>false}

pry(main)> facility_1.administer_road_test(registrant_1)
#=> false

pry(main)> facility_1.add_service('Road Test')
#=> ["Written Test", "Road Test"]

pry(main)> facility_1.administer_road_test(registrant_1)
#=> true

pry(main)> registrant_1.license_data
#=> {:written=>true, :license=>true, :renewed=>false}

pry(main)> facility_1.administer_road_test(registrant_2)
#=> true

pry(main)> registrant_2.license_data
#=> {:written=>true, :license=>true, :renewed=>false}

# Renew License

pry(main)> facility_1.renew_drivers_license(registrant_1)
#=> false

pry(main)> facility_1.add_service('Renew License')
#=> ["Written Test", "Road Test", "Renew License"]

pry(main)> facility_1.renew_drivers_license(registrant_1)
#=> true

pry(main)> registrant_1.license_data
#=> {:written=>true, :license=>true, :renewed=>true}

pry(main)> facility_1.renew_drivers_license(registrant_3)
#=> false

pry(main)> registrant_3.license_data
#=> {:written=>false, :license=>false, :renewed=>false}

pry(main)> facility_1.renew_drivers_license(registrant_2)
#=> true

pry(main)> registrant_2.license_data
#=> {:written=>true, :license=>true, :renewed=>true}

Reading from External Data Sets

You might have noticed a little bit of code in a class called DmvDataService. This class is responsible for retrieving data from an API. You do not need to write or change any code in this class. You will only use it as described below for accessing data. This class will give us a dataset to use with the other classes we have here in our DMV project.

With the provided data set in the DmvDataService class (Washington State EV Vehicle Registration data), create Vehicle objects using your existing Vehicle class. You might choose to build this functionality within Vehicle or create a new class. The interaction pattern below demonstrates using a new class. Since the provided data set is for Electric Vehicle Registrations in Washington State, you can set the vehicle’s engine attribute to :ev for every vehicle.

As detailed in the interaction pattern, you can access the data you need with the following code snippet.

This already exists in the starting repository. Spend a little time exploring the data set in a pry session. What is the datatype? What information is here? How can we access data that is nested more deeply?

Use TDD and the following interaction pattern to guide your build:

pry(main)> require './lib/vehicle'
#=> true

pry(main)> require './lib/vehicle_factory'
#=> true

pry(main)> require './lib/dmv_data_service'
#=> true

pry(main)> factory =
#=> #<VehicleFactory:0x000000011c854810>

pry(main)> wa_ev_registrations =
#  [{:electric_vehicle_type=>"Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicle (PHEV)",
#    :vin_1_10=>"JTDKN3DP8D",
#    :dol_vehicle_id=>"229686908",
#    :model_year=>"2013",
#    :make=>"TOYOTA",
#    :model=>"Prius Plug-in",
#    ...},
#    ...,
#    {:electric_vehicle_type=>"Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicle (PHEV)",
#     :vin_1_10=>"1G1RD6E47D",
#     :dol_vehicle_id=>"289314742",
#     :model_year=>"2013",
#     :make=>"CHEVROLET",
#     :model=>"Volt",
#     ...}]

pry(main)> factory.create_vehicles(wa_ev_registrations)
  #=> [#<Vehicle:0x000000012d3812f0 @engine=:ev, @make="TOYOTA", @model="Prius Plug-in", @plate_type=nil, @registration_date=nil, @vin="JTDKN3DP8D", @year="2013">,
  #<Vehicle:0x000000012d3812a0 @engine=:ev, @make="TOYOTA", @model="Prius Prime", @plate_type=nil, @registration_date=nil, @vin="JTDKARFP9J", @year="2018">,
  #<Vehicle:0x000000012d381200 @engine=:ev, @make="NISSAN", @model="Leaf", @plate_type=nil, @registration_date=nil, @vin="1N4AZ1CP0J", @year="2018">,
  #<Vehicle:0x000000012d381188 @engine=:ev, @make="NISSAN", @model="Leaf", @plate_type=nil, @registration_date=nil, @vin="1N4AZ1CP0J", @year="2018">,
  #<Vehicle:0x000000012d381138 @engine=:ev, @make="NISSAN", @model="Leaf", @plate_type=nil, @registration_date=nil, @vin="1N4AZ1CP0J", @year="2018">,
  # ...]

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