Iteration 3 - Creating Objects from Multiple Data Sets and Analyzing Our Data
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Create Facility Objects from an External Data Source
Let’s do that again with different data! Similar to when you created Vehicle
objects from the data about EV Registrations in Washington, you’ll create DMV Facility
objects with data about DMV Facilities. Let’s start with Colorado. You can follow the same pattern as you did for vehicles to access the data.
The data should look something like this:
# => [{:the_geom=>{:type=>"Point", :coordinates=>[-104.97443112500002, 39.75525297420336]},
# :dmv_id=>"1",
# :dmv_office=>"DMV Tremont Branch",
# :address_li=>"2855 Tremont Place",
# :address__1=>"Suite 118",
# :city=>"Denver",
# :state=>"CO",
# :zip=>"80205",
# :phone=>"(720) 865-4600",
# :hours=>"Mon, Tue, Thur, Fri 8:00 a.m.- 4:30 p.m. / Wed 8:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m.",
# :services_p=>"vehicle titles, registration, renewals; VIN inspections",
# :parking_no=>"parking available in the lot at the back of the bldg (Glenarm Street)",
# :photo=>"images/Tremont.jpg",
# :address_id=>"175164",
# :":@computed_region_nku6_53ud"=>"1444"},
# {:the_geom=>{:type=>"Point", :coordinates=>[-104.84839592880655, 39.78135984611333]},
# :dmv_id=>"2",
# :dmv_office=>"DMV Northeast Branch",
# :address_li=>"4685 Peoria Street",
# :address__1=>"Suite 101",
# :location=>"Arie P. Taylor Municipal Bldg",
# :city=>"Denver",
# :state=>"CO",
# :zip=>"80239",
# :phone=>"(720) 865-4600",
# :hours=>"Mon, Tue, Thur, Fri 8:00 a.m.- 4:30 p.m. / Wed 8:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m.",
# :services_p=>"vehicle titles, registration, renewals; VIN inspections",
# :parking_no=>"parking available in both the front and back of the bldg; also on Paris Street",
# :photo=>"images/Peoria.jpg",
# :address_id=>"11348",
# :":@computed_region_nku6_53ud"=>"1444"},
# ...}]
Create Facility objects from Multiple Data Sources
Cool! Now you can handle creating Facility
objects from one data source. But what about another state? The fun thing about data is that every entity that manages a data set has their own rules. Refactor your code to allow for the creation of Facility
objects from another data source - NY State DMV Facilities. You should be able to create objects from ALL provided data sources. This means that by changing your code to work for the New York dataset, it should also continue to work for the Colorado dataset. Once you have New York working, add in Missouri! We STRONGLY recommend doing one at a time. Make sure all your past tests for the previous dataset still pass when you’re done adding code for your new dataset.
You can access these data sets with the following code:
new_york_facilities =
missouri_facilities =