Setup, File I/O, and Statistics

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We have provided a starting repository for this project. That repository has the usual lib and spec directories that you have seen in the past, but also includes a data directory that includes three .csv files. These files are text files that include tables represented as comma-separated values (hence .csv). The first row includes headers, while every other row includes entries in the table.

Begin by picking one team member to fork the project repository here. Once one of you has forked the repository, each of the other team members should clone that repository.

In order to complete your setup:

  • One team member forks the repository here and adds the other(s) as collaborators.
  • Each of the other team members accepts the invitation to collaborate and then clones the repository.
  • Setup SimpleCov to monitor test coverage along the way.

Note: we have linked the GitHub repository for SimpleCov, but you should not expect that those are the only resources you will use to set up these tools in your project. Use your research skills to find other resources to help you determine how to use these tools. You may want to consider using Rubys CSV class.

File I/O

In order to get data into the system we’re going to create, we’re going to read information from CSV files. At this point, we don’t expect that you have determined exactly what you will be doing with the information that you collect, so for now you may just want to print some information to the terminal about each record you read in.

At a high level, if you create a runner file including the code below, you should drop into a pry session with an instance of StatTracker held in the stat_tracker variable.

Note that ::from_csv is a method you have defined called directly on the StatTracker class, and not an instance of StatTracker.

::from_csv returns an instance of StatTracker. That instance of StatTracker will hold all of the information you need for the methods included in the remainder of the project description.

# runner.rb
require './lib/stat_tracker'

game_path = './data/games.csv'
team_path = './data/teams.csv'
game_teams_path = './data/game_teams.csv'

locations = {
  games: game_path,
  teams: team_path,
  game_teams: game_teams_path

stat_tracker = StatTracker.from_csv(locations)

require 'pry'; binding.pry


Each of the methods described below should be implemented as instance methods on StatTracker in order for the spec harness to work properly.

Game Statistics

Method Description Return Value
highest_total_score Highest sum of the winning and losing teams’ scores Integer
lowest_total_score Lowest sum of the winning and losing teams’ scores Integer
percentage_home_wins Percentage of games that a home team has won (rounded to the nearest 100th) Float
percentage_visitor_wins Percentage of games that a visitor has won (rounded to the nearest 100th) Float
percentage_ties Percentage of games that has resulted in a tie (rounded to the nearest 100th) Float
count_of_games_by_season A hash with season names (e.g. 20122013) as keys and counts of games as values Hash
average_goals_per_game Average number of goals scored in a game across all seasons including both home and away goals (rounded to the nearest 100th) Float
average_goals_by_season Average number of goals scored in a game organized in a hash with season names (e.g. 20122013) as keys and a float representing the average number of goals in a game for that season as values (rounded to the nearest 100th) Hash

League Statistics

Method Description Return Value
count_of_teams Total number of teams in the data. Integer
best_offense Name of the team with the highest average number of goals scored per game across all seasons. String
worst_offense Name of the team with the lowest average number of goals scored per game across all seasons. String
highest_scoring_visitor Name of the team with the highest average score per game across all seasons when they are away. String
highest_scoring_home_team Name of the team with the highest average score per game across all seasons when they are home. String
lowest_scoring_visitor Name of the team with the lowest average score per game across all seasons when they are a visitor. String
lowest_scoring_home_team Name of the team with the lowest average score per game across all seasons when they are at home. String

Season Statistics

These methods each take a season id as an argument and return the values described below.

Method Description Return Value
winningest_coach Name of the Coach with the best win percentage for the season String
worst_coach Name of the Coach with the worst win percentage for the season String
most_accurate_team Name of the Team with the best ratio of shots to goals for the season String
least_accurate_team Name of the Team with the worst ratio of shots to goals for the season String
most_tackles Name of the Team with the most tackles in the season String
fewest_tackles Name of the Team with the fewest tackles in the season String

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