Process Change

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Now that you’ve completed your first retro, make some changes to your group’s process that resulted from retro, and continue working on some more statistics. Document these changes in your README. Consider how the changes are working. Keep some notes for a future retro of what’s going well and what isn’t going so well this second time around.

Team Statistics

Each of the methods below take a team id as an argument. Using that team id, your instance of StatTracker will provide statistics for a specific team.

Method Description Return Value
team_info A hash with key/value pairs for the following attributes: team_id, franchise_id, team_name, abbreviation, and link Hash
best_season Season with the highest win percentage for a team. String
worst_season Season with the lowest win percentage for a team. String
average_win_percentage Average win percentage of all games for a team. Float
most_goals_scored Highest number of goals a particular team has scored in a single game. Integer
fewest_goals_scored Lowest number of goals a particular team has scored in a single game. Integer
favorite_opponent Name of the opponent that has the lowest win percentage against the given team. String
rival Name of the opponent that has the highest win percentage against the given team. String
biggest_team_blowout Biggest difference between team goals and opponent goals for a win for the given team. Integer
worst_loss Biggest difference between team goals and opponent goals for a loss for the given team. Integer
head_to_head Record (as a hash - win/loss) against all opponents with the opponents’ names as keys and the win percentage against that opponent as a value. Hash
seasonal_summary For each season that the team has played, a hash that has two keys (:regular_season and :postseason), that each point to a hash with the following keys: :win_percentage, :total_goals_scored, :total_goals_against, :average_goals_scored, :average_goals_against. Hash

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