Futbol - Rubric
Evaluation Presentation
Please reference these instructions to prepare for your live evaluation.
Category | Meets Expectations | Approaching Expectations | Below Expectations |
Presentation | All list items are covered in the project presentation. Every group member actively participates during the evaluation. | 3/4 of presentation topics are discussed (can update with actual number when list is updated). Some group members do not actively participate in the evaluation. | 2/4 or fewer presentation topics are discussed. |
Project Organization | Students document and implement a project organization process throughout the project whereby tasks are broken out and assigned in advance of being worked on. | Students document a project organization process but do not always follow the process by assigning tasks in advance or updating the status of tasks to the team in a timely manner. | Students do not implement any sort of project organization workflow. |
Git Workflow | Students document and implement a code review process throughout the project whereby comments on pull requests are addressed before PRs are merged. Students used pull requests as a collaboration tool by reviewing each other’s PRs, making comments, and never merging their own PRs. Students contributed roughly equally to the project in terms of number of commits and lines of code. Commits are made in small chunks of functionality. | Students use branches and PRs but comment infrequently, or comments are of little substance (ex: “nice job!”). | Git workflow is not used. On multiple occasions, code is pushed directly to main. Students merge their own PRs. There is more than 50% discrepancy of lines of code committed between the highest and lowest code contributor. |
Collaboration & Communication | The group: 1) Regularly provides actionable feedback to others in the group(verbal or written), 2) Has regular check-ins, 3) Completes a DTR at least once throughout the duration of the project. | The group does 2/3 of the actions described for “Meets Expectations” | The group does 1 or 0 of the actions described for “Meets Expectations” |
Code & Testing | Code follows ruby convention, SRP, and DRY principles probably includes the use of things like modules and inheritance. Test coverage is above 95%. Students can identify unit and integration testing. | Code follows ruby convention, SRP, and DRY principles but may have some gaps in execution. Test coverage is above 90%. | Code does not follow ruby convention, SRP and DRY principles. Test coverage is below 90%. |
Remember that there are many ways to contribute to a group effort - review the topics we discussed in your Learning to Pair lesson.