REST, Representational State Transfer

Learning Goals

  • Explain CRUD in the context of web applications.
  • Explain what is REST
  • Be able to distinguish between a RESTful vs non-RESTful route.


  • CRUD
  • REST
  • HTTP Verbs
  • URI

Review: CRUD

  • C - Create
  • R - Read
  • U - Update
  • D - Delete

This is a list of the operations we can perform on a resource.

What is a resource?

  • “A conceptual object that has identity, state, and behavior. “
  • Generic term for something that we have in our application (e.g. tasks, people, movies)
  • Can also refer to files, web pages, sessions, search results, anything on the web.
  • Often corresponds to a database table (but not always!)
  • The nouns of an application (tweets, users, friends, posts, etc.)

Often, our applications will have a separate controller and model for each resource.

What is REST?

  • Representational State Transfer (ReST) is a style of web architecture
  • Roy Fielding, doctoral dissertation in 2000
  • Seeks to give every web resource a URI (Uniform Resource Identifier) that can be manipulated, and let the software determine what to do from there.

In other words…

  • A pattern for combining HTTP verbs, URIs, and the actions they correspond to in order to access (CRUD) resources
  • In a Rails app, in which file would you find this information?
    • config/routes.rb
  • For our purposes, these are guidelines for how we build our routes

HTTP Verbs

Part of an HTTP Request that indicates a type of action to perform on a resource.

  • GET: retrieve a resource
  • POST: create a new resource
  • PUT: update an entire existing resource
  • PATCH: update part of an existing resource
  • DELETE: remove/destroy a resource

What’s the difference between PUT and PATCH…?

Think “flat tire”:

  • PUT a whole new tire on (replaces the entire resource)
  • PATCH the existing tire (only replace the part you need)


  • Uniform Resource Identifier

The portion of the URL after the domain.

For the URL, the domain would be and the URI would be /wiki/Uniform_Resource_Identifier.

Think to yourself

What is the Domain and URI for this address?

Put it all together and you get… Five RESTful API Routes!

AKA what you need to know about REST

  • get /resources => resources#index
  • get /resources/:id => resources#show
  • post /resources => resources#create

  • patch /resources/:id => resources#update
  • delete /resources/:id => resources#destroy

There are also two additional routes that return webpages for forms to create and edit objects. We haven’t used these yet because we are building APIs:

  • get /resources/new => resources#new
  • get /resources/:id/edit => resources#edit


  • The routes often start with a namespace and version
  • The resource name is plural
  • /resources represents the whole table
  • /resources/:id represents one row in the table
  • Can also have nested resources
    • ex: /artists/:id/songs
    • All the songs for a specific artist

The Web Before REST

No rules! Make whatever URLs you want!

  • get /articles/new => articles#make_a_new_one
  • post /articles/write => articles#make
  • get /articles/create => articles#new
  • post /articles/save => articles#sophia
  • put /articles/1/destroy => articles#index
  • delete /articles/destroy&id=1 => articles#BALEETED

These are not RESTful routes

Are these routes good or bad? Why?

Identifying RESTful Routes in Rails

Pull up your Task Manager application.

Create a table for 5 RESTful routes, allowing us to perform all CRUD actions on a Task.

RESTful routes table

When finished, add a few non-RESTful routes. What makes a route non-RESTful?

Is there an easier way to see all the routes in a Rails app?


rails routes


If asked in a technical interview, how would you answer the following questions?

  • What is each part of CRUD?
  • What is REST?
  • How do we combine CRUD and REST in web applications?

Further Reading

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