Coupon Codes FE Requirements

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Connecting to the FE

Upon successful completion of the backend requirements, groups will be able to see their endpoint data within this front end repo. This front end repo uses vanilla JavaScript, CSS and HTML and was built with Vite.

Follow the directions in repo’s README to fork, clone, install and run the front end. Do not clone the FE repo into your BE repo. Keep these two repos separate - you will submit a link to each.

The front end is built to make network requests to your locally running rails server using the endpoints at localhost:3000. In order for the FE to function and display data successfully, you need to have your Rails API running on localhost:3000. If your Rails API is not running, you will see fetch errors, and no data, in the FE application.

Take time to digest the front end code and features. Then, complete the front end requirements listed below.

Now that we have all this coupon data, we can update our frontend to display that, too! Your goal is to complete the following user story:

As a user, when I click on the View Coupons button for any given Merchant, I should see a list of that Merchant’s coupons.

There is some starter code written for you. Follow the following steps to complete your frontend goals.

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