Little Shop Front End Requirements

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Connecting to the FE

Upon successful completion of the backend requirements, groups will be able to see their endpoint data within this front end boilerplate repo. This front end repo uses vanilla JavaScript, CSS and HTML and was built with Vite - a fast and modern development build tool. You can (and should) learn more about Vite’s features here.

Follow the directions in repo’s README to fork, clone, install and run the front end. Do not clone the FE repo into your BE repo. Keep these two repos separate - you will submit a link to each.

The front end is built to make network requests to your locally running rails server using the endpoints at localhost:3000. In order for the FE to function and display data successfully, you need to have your Rails API running on localhost:3000. If your Rails API is not running, you will see fetch errors, and no data, in the FE application.

Take time to digest the front end code and features. Then, complete the front end requirements listed below.


As a user, walk through the CRUD functionality for merchants.

  • Choose a merchant and view that merchant’s items.
  • Add a new merchant, how did the application indicate to you that adding a new merchant was successful?
  • Edit a merchant’s name
    • Edit their name and submit the changes.
    • Edit another name but discard the changes.
  • Delete a merchant

As a developer, explore the code under the hood. Take time to look through the CSS, HTML and most importantly, the Javascript.

  • Follow the code that happens on page load to display the merchants.
  • Follow the code as a user clicks on the Add New button. Keep following the code through the new merchant being submitted.
  • Follow the code as a user clicks on a View Merchant Items button.
  • Follow the code as a user clicks on a delete button.

Front End Requirements

After confirming that your forked FE repo successfully consumes data from your BE rails application, your group will need to complete 3 additional tasks in the FE repo. Styling, refactoring to use prototype methods, and your choice of an added feature. See below.

Each requirement below asks you to complete a specific task/feature in your front end application. Remember that you may need to refactor the code in several different areas in order to accomplish any given task, even a small-ish feature add. The tasks below may have you making edits across all 3 main files - html, css and javascript.

When you are finished with the FE requirements, update your FE repo’s README using the template found in the README.

Choose 1 of the following features to implement:

Front End Evaluation

Your front end work will be evaluated alongside your backend work. All of the work completed on the FE application should be thorough, bug-free and completed with the user experience in mind. You will need to demonstrate and speak to your decision making and approach for implementing the styling changes, refactoring to use prototype methods, and the added feature of your choice. The README of your FE application should outline the improvements you made to the FE boilerplate and highlight the decision making, approach, challenges and learnings that went into it along the way. You’re encouraged to include gifs/screenshots in the README to demonstrate the work you did.

See the evaluation spec for more details.

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