Pull Request Template Info
How to create a PR Template for a GitHub Repo
Example PR Template
Type of change
- [ ] New feature
- [ ] Bug Fix
Check the correct boxes
- [ ] This code broke nothing
- [ ] This code broke some stuff
- [ ] This code broke everything
- Description of work...
Testing Changes:
- [ ] I have fully tested my code
- [ ] All tests are passing
- [ ] Some tests are failing
- [ ] All tests are failing
- [ ] No previous tests have been changed
- [ ] Some previous tests have been changed
- [ ] All of the previous tests have been changed (Please describe what in the world happened that all of the previous tests needed changing.)
- [ ] I have reviewed my code
- [ ] The code will run locally
- [ ] My code has no unused/commented out code
- [ ] I have commented my code, particularly in hard-to-understand areas
(Optional) What questions do you have? Anything specific you want feedback on?
(For Fun!) Please include a link to a gif [or add an emoji] of your feelings about this branch.