JS: Network Requests - Fetch

Learning Goals

  • Understand the difference between synchronous and asynchronous operations
  • Get familiar with the Promise object and the fetch API
  • Know what a GET request does and how to use it
  • Know what POST requests do and how to use them


  • Async / Asynchronous Executing code without blocking the execution of code after it
  • AJAX Updating a webpage based on data from the network without reloading the whole thing
  • The Promise Object - represents the eventual completion (or failure) of an asynchronous operation and its resulting value.

What is a network request?

Let’s start by reviewing what a network request is and see it in action!


Open up your dev tools and navigate to the Network tab. Refresh the page and watch what happens. You should see something like this:

network dev tool example

  • In your notebook, write down what a network request is in your own words.
  • Based on the data that shows up in the Network tab, what are each of the columns referring to? (totally okay to take an educated guess)

Making a Request

Each network request takes time - they’re expensive. Imagine if you had to wait for a webpage to load one thing at a time! It would not make for a great user experience.

Network requests are expensive no matter what we do. However, we can run them asynchronously, saving some time.

Asynchronous operations refer to things that can happen outside the normal order of execution. Network requests can be synchronous or asynchronous, but most modern applications do them asynchronously to improve performance / the user experience.

Multiple Ways of Making Requests

Note that there are a few ways to make a request. One way you might see is through a process called AJAX, or Asynchronous JavaScript And XML. AJAX was a huge advancement for the web, as it allowed developers to update part of a webpage without reloading the entire thing.

Traditionally, AJAX requests have been made via the XMLHttpRequest object. However, the process is a little clunky, with developers transitioning over to a more streamlined way using the fetch API. This is much more commonly used by developers nowadays and will be the primary way we make network requests at Turing.

The great thing about using the fetch API is that we can use it “for free” with ES6 (as opposed to needing a separate npm package)!

ES6: fetch()

Speaking of using the fetch API, let’s take a look at the docs on what it is!

In Breakout Groups

Using the fetch API docs, answer the following questions.

  • What arguments does the fetch method take? Clarify which ones are mandatory and optional.
  • What does fetch always return? If the term is new to you, read further on what it is.

Key Takeaways

  • The fetch() method takes one mandatory argument, the path to the resource you want to fetch.
  • It can take an optional options object to get more specific about the method, body, and headers.
fetch(resourceUrl, {/* object with `method`, `body`, and other optional properties */});
  • fetch will always return a promise that either resolves or rejects.

GET with Fetch

By default, fetch performs a GET request. This means that if we only add a resource url to the fetch call, we’ll try and GET information from that resource.

Try it out!

Try typing this in your console and see what you get back:

  • This is a basic GET request to the Trivia API to send us back a random trivia question. Does it return what you expect?

Promises - The Quick Version

A Promise is an object that represents the eventual completion of an action.

A Promise will either be resolved upon completion, or rejected upon failure. We can use special methods for promises to determine what needs to happen in either of those scenarios:

  • .then() runs upon the resolution of a promise and returns another promise
  • .catch() runs upon the rejection of a failed promise and is used for error handling


You may see async/await syntax when researching online. We know async/await is tempting, but it is important that you are able to work with the approaches that pre-date the introduction of async/await, like .then(). We find that beginning with .then() syntax is a much easier way to learn, and a perfectly acceptable way to write code.

What do I do with this “Promise {}"?

Diving into the returned promise reveals some information, such as its status and value, but nothing that’s too immediately useful. Instead we have to resolve it:

  .then(response => console.log(response))
  • What do you get when you log the response object? Take note of the properties there.
  • There’s one problem: we can’t seem to get the data we want from the Response.body. How is data sent through requests and responses?

Parsing Our Response

Similar to what you did with localStorage, we’ll need to parse our response! We’ll need to use the Body.json() method that comes with fetch to parse it and call another .then().

From the docs, the .json() method returns “A promise that resolves with the result of parsing the body text as JSON. This could be anything that can be represented by JSON — an object, an array, a string, a number.

Let’s try it out!

  .then(response => response.json())
  .then(data => console.log(data));

Lastly, we can add in a .catch() to account for any errors we may run into.

  .then(response => response.json())
  .then(data => console.log(data))
  .catch(err => /* do something else */);

Practice in the Console

Using the Trivia API, do the following in your console:

  • Fetch 10 science questions using fetch and console.log the entire response
  • Fetch 20 geography questions and for each trivia object console.log the answer only
  • Fetch 20 geography questions and console.log the response status code.

Common Misconceptions

Let’s look at this code:

.then(res => res.json())
.then(data => console.log(data))
.then(data => /* do something with data */) /* <--- this line won't work! */

Let’s think about these questions:

Why doesn’t data in line 4 refer to the same data in line 3?

Explanation: Parameters are scoped to their function, so you cannot reference a parameter from one function in another. Each callback function defines their own scope (i.e. creates their own execution context).

Why is data in line 4 undefined?

Explanation: .then always returns a Promise, and when that promise resolves, it evaluates to whatever the callback returns and hands it off to the next .then. The callback function on line 3 does not return anything, so undefined is the value handed off to the .then in line 4, stored in the data parameter.

Big takeaways:

  1. Its important to be aware of what each step is returning. Fetch returns a promise. Each .then() returns a promise. The callback function of the first .then() must return the json’d response object. Often this is happening implicitly as a one-line arrow function. However, if you open up curly braces to include a console log, that return is no longer happening implicitly so you need to explictly return the response.json() using the return keyword.
  2. Console logs are great as you’re coding as a way to see what the data looks like that is coming through. BUT! Once you’re ready to actually do things with that data, you’ll want to remove your console logs OR have the console log in the same callback function as your logic, like this:
.then(res => res.json())
.then(data => {
  /* do something with data */


Promise.all() is a way to wait for multitple promises to resolve before performing an action. Not something you need to dig into now, but to be aware of in case you ever need it.

POST with Fetch

What if we want to add information to a database?

If we want to use fetch to make any other kind of request, we’ll have to add an optional init object into the function call.

Implementing a POST Request

Given that the default behavior of fetch is to GET data, we need to utilize the options object and update the method to be a POST.

fetch(url, {

From here, the implementation may look different based on the API you’re communicating with. Some good init object properties to be aware of:

  • method - whatever kind of request we’ll be making; “GET”, “POST”, “DELETE”, etc…
  • body - the body of whatever we want to send to the server
  • headers - extra information needed about the request. Takes an object. An important header property to know:
    • Content-Type - specify what format the body will be in

Here’s a typical POST request structure:

fetch(url, {
  method: 'POST',
  body: JSON.stringify(someDataToSend), // HTTP can only send and receive strings
  headers: {
  	'Content-Type': 'application/json'
  .then(response => response.json())
  .then(data => /* do something with data */)
  .catch(err => /* do something with the error */);

Remember, fetch still returns a promise. We’ve got to resolve it, regardless of what request type we’re making.

Often times, if a POST is successful, you’ll see a 201 created status message in the response


  1. Head to this repo for some practice with GETting and POSTing.

  2. Follow the setup instructions to get the server running.

  3. Follow the setup instructions to get the frontend running.

  4. Within the client/index.js file, follow the steps in order. Test it out by opening the client/index.html file.

Async JS

Let’s say we’re at a restaurant for a night out on the town…Here’s how the experience would go in each scenario:

  • Synchronous: I order my food, everyone in the restaurant has to wait until I get my food before the next person can order.

  • Asynchronous: I order my food, the order is put into a queue, other food is made in the meantime, my food is ready, and the server brings it to me.

A Non-AJAX Example: setTimeout()


setTimeout(() => {
}, 2000);

console.log("Wait for it...");

setTimeout() is actually an asynchronous function, which executes its callback after waiting for the allotted time to expire.


  • Why are async operations necessary?
  • Have you run into a situation on past projects where you needed async operations to accomplish it?

Further Reading:

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