Refactoring Patterns for API Consumption
We will start with the consuming-apis-complete
branch of the Set List API for this lesson. We will be looking at the ImagesController
Instructions for using Rails Encrypted Credentials can be found in the “Required Setup” section here.
Learning Goals
Identify SRP and MVC violations with implementing API consumption entirely in the controller
Refactor code to pull logic out of the controller
Identify the purpose of a Gateway/Service and a PORO
Refactor - to change code in a way that the end functionality still works as intended, but reorganizes it in a way to make it easier to maintain, easier to test, etc.
SRP - Single Responsibility Principle; the ideal that a piece of code should be responsible for one kind of task (this can be at a class level, a method level, etc.).
Design Pattern - an implementation of code which follows as much “industry standard” as possible to achieve clean organization of our code.
MVC - “Model, View, Controller” design pattern; a way of organizing our code into logical portions where our “business logic” is managed by the Controller, the “data logic” is managed by the Models, and the “presentation logic” is managed by the Views.
There is no one right way to refactor and structure API consumption in Rails or in any framework. We will introduce you to a few ideas and design patterns but we are not picky about which patterns you use.
Before refactoring anything, it is essential that robust testing is already in place. See section on “Red, Green, Refactor Below”
Identifying Candidates for Refactoring
What anti-patterns do you see in the current implementation of API consumption in the
branch, specifically in theImagesController
? -
List out all the responsibilities the controller is handling
Possible Answers - No peeking!
- Our controller is handling every step of the process. This is a violation of MVC, as business logic and presentation logic should not live in the controller. Controllers should instead be slim and only direct traffic by delegating to other classes. This is also a violation of abstraction and encapsulation, two principles of Object Oriented Programming.
- The controller is:
- Making a network call to Pexels
- Parsing the JSON (which includes knowing which response keys are important for our needs)
- Formatting this endpoint’s response
How do we refactor?
1. Declarative Programming
Throughout this refactor, we will use a technique called Declarative Programming. This is also referred to as “dream-driven development”. Simply put, we write the code we wish existed and worry about implementation details later.
We use this strategy in life all the time. A statement such as “I need to travel to New York City.” is an example. There is no mention of how we plan to get there. We could take a train, car, plane, bicycle, or some combination but those are details we will worry about later. Depending on your origin different strategies make more sense than others.
It’s less likely, although perhaps more exciting, to select a means of travel without knowing the final destination. “I’d like to ride a train for 12 hours, a bus for 3 hours, and a boat for 2 hours. Where can I go?” There’s a good chance you won’t end up in NYC.
Writing code this way makes it more likely that we’ll end up with abstractions that aren’t vulnerable to breaking if implementation changes.
For example, currently we are using the Pexels API to retrieve this data. But maybe this data used to be provided by an API called Unsplash. By deciding how we want to interface with these objects and classes (picking our destination) prior to implementing API calls (how we are going to get there), we make this code more robust and less brittle. Imagine if we change APIs, and therefore the response we get back with the image data changes. The keys of that hash would likely change and this endpoint would suddenly stop working. When we refactor, we want to favor designs that minimize the number of layers that need to change if we switch out our API.
2. Red, Green, Refactor
We will also be using the Red, Green, Refactor technique. Red refers to a failing test, green refers to a passing test, and refactoring refers to making changes to improve code. We want to start with a failing test and then make it pass (red to green). We already did that step in the previous lesson. Then we make a refactor to improve the code. As we make that refactor, our test will most likely break, so our goal is for that refactor to end with our tests passing again. This way, we can use our tests to check our work every step along the way. We want to try to keep our refactors small and get back to green as often as possible to maintain our functionality.
Refactoring Our Controller
So far, most of the code we’ve written in Rails has fit nicely into the MVC structure, and we haven’t explored writing files much beyond controllers, models, and serializers. But now with API consumption, we’re handling logic that doesn’t fit squarely into any of these components.
Brainstorm: If you were building a vanilla Ruby application, what types of files do you think you would make to extract this logic out of the controller?
Possible Refactor, Part #1: Gateways
Gateway classes are a very common design pattern across many frameworks. They are also referred to as a service but this is a very overloaded term in Rails and software development as a whole. This section will refer to these classes as gateways but you’re welcome to name them however you’d prefer.
Gateways typically encapsulate the logic used for interacting with an external API. Let’s refactor our controller to use a gateway.
class Api::V1::ImagesController < ApplicationController
def show
artist = params[:artist]
first_photo = ImageGateway.get_first_image(artist)
formatted_json = {
id: nil,
type: "image",
attributes: {
image_url: first_photo[:url],
photographer: first_photo[:photographer],
photographer_url: first_photo[:photographer_url],
alt_text: first_photo[:alt]
render json: { data: formatted_json }
Now our Gateway class might look like this:
class ImageGateway
def self.get_first_image(query_term)
conn = "") do |faraday|
faraday.headers["Authorization"] = Rails.application.credentials.pexels[:key]
response = conn.get("/v1/search", { query: query_term })
# OR response = conn.get("/v1/search?query=#{artist})
json = JSON.parse(response.body, symbolize_names: true)
Notice how much logic that extracted out of the controller! Hooray!
If we are making calls to more than one Pexels endpoint in our application, we could also consider adding additional class methods to our Gateway and extacting the Faraday connection set up into a helper method that can be called in each method.
class ImageGateway
def self.get_first_image(query_term)
response = conn.get("/v1/search", { query: query_term })
json = JSON.parse(response.body, symbolize_names: true)
def self.conn "") do |faraday|
faraday.headers["Authorization"] = Rails.application.credentials.pexels[:key]
We also know that serializers are a very helpful tool for managing the presentation of our data. Once we extract the JSON response formatting out of the controller, our controller action looks even nicer!
class Api::V1::ImagesController < ApplicationController
def show
artist = params[:artist]
first_photo = ImageGateway.get_first_image(artist)
render json: ImageSerializer.format_image_response(first_photo)
This is a huge improvement!
Possible Refactor, Part 2: POROs
You may have noticed that we mentioned the potential problem with hash keys changing in the “Declarative Programming” section but we haven’t really addressed it. If we were to change APIs from Pexels to another service, we would have to change the gateway class and the serializer to makes sure all necessary data can be accessed. This is especially bothersome in a serializer. The presentation layer of our code should not need to know the details about the external API response’s data format.
On top of this coupling, our application is also carting around a much larger hash than it really needs to. Our endpoint only needs to expose 4 attributes, but the individual image hash that comes from Pexels is 20 lines long! This is a violation of YAGNI – we don’t need all that data!
One possible alternative to using transporting a large hash that’s been parsed from the Pexels response is to use a PORO: a plain old Ruby object.
While the term is new, the concept is not. This is what you built all through Module 1. In this context, and in Mod 1, we used these POROs as domain objects, or objects that represent real things in the world. Some domain objects you might have built before include Dog
, Vehicle
, Wizard
, Team
and Deck
Some benefits of using POROs over a hash here include:
- We’re only storing the attributes we need or care about
- We can name the attributes however we’d like
- We can use
to control access to these attributes and prevent accidental data changes. - We can build some lightweight methods for handling these objects, like a method that formats an address or calculates an amount in a different currency.
Let’s refactor our logic to use a Image
class Image
attr_reader :url,
def initialize(data)
@url = data[:url]
@photographer = data[:photographer]
@photographer_url = data[:photographer_url]
@alt_text = data[:alt]
And now we can refactor our ImageGateway
to parse the JSON response into an Image
class ImageGateway
def self.get_first_image(query_term)
response = conn.get("/v1/search", { query: query_term })
json = JSON.parse(response.body, symbolize_names: true)[:photos][0])
Again, be mindful of continuing to run your tests to make sure nothing we’ve written has broken existing tests. We’ll also want to write unit tests for the new classes we’ve created. Let’s think about what each of these new specs could verify:
- Gateway Class: Verify that the method receives a query argument and returns an image object. Optionally stub the response that comes back from the API call.
- PORO: Verify that attributes are properly populated from the data passed in. Verify behavior of any methods needed for data cleaning or manipulation.
Try writing these tests yourself before you check out implementations on the completed branch from class
Domain Objects vs Utility Classes
You might have noticed that technically, both our ImageGateway
and our Image
class are POROs, in that they are both regular ol’ classes with no special Rails magic involved. However, as we design POROs, it’s important to think about the difference between these 2 types of classes.
- Domain Objects represent a “thing” in the real world, and can be instantiated and hold state. We can think of these like a noun
- Utility Classes perform a certain task, and typically don’t need to be instantiated. They might contain all class methods. We can think of these like a verb
Additional Refactoring Patterns to Explore
Interested in checking out other design patterns that could be applied to this context?
Remember - there is no one right way to refactor this code, and the world is full of many opinions on all of these patterns. As you explore refactoring options, observe your own developer intuition and opinions, and be prepared to defend your design choices!
Checks for Understanding
- Describe your preferred refactoring workflow (i.e. red-green-refactor, declarative programming, etc.)
- Describe the code smells from the controller action at the beginning of this lesson (
) - What is the responsibility of every new file you’ve created today?
You can find a completed implementation that uses a gateway and a PORO domain object here