

In this lesson, you’ll gain a clear understanding of the role that cover letters play in the job application process. We’ll explore the key elements of crafting impactful cover letters that effectively showcase your qualifications and enthusiasm for the position.

Learning Goals

  • Understand the purpose of a cover letter
  • Reflect on what needs to be in a cover letter
  • Prepare a cover letter based on a job application
Why even write a cover letter?

Cover letters can seem daunting, but they don’t have to be. It’s important to understand their importance in order to know how to write them well. A common misconception is that a cover letter should be all about you as the candidate. However, your cover letter is actually a space to demonstrate your understanding of the company. Another common misconception is that a cover letter should regurgitate everything on your resume. It should actually complement your resume; your resume is a space to tell about you, your cover letter allows you to show much more.

Start with this frame in your mind – the cover letter is a love letter to the company. How? Again, start by demonstrating your understanding of the company.

  • What research have you done?
  • Who from the company have you talked to?
  • Go back to the job posting – what are they looking for? What needs do they have based on this posting?
  • What problem is this company trying to solve?
  • What is exciting about this company?

Then, talk about yourself, but remember – this still isn’t really about you. Talk about yourself in relation to the company. First, provide an introductory hook. Show what you know about the company and why you’re interested in the position. Then, show why you’re qualified for the job. A great way to template out your story is by a quick summary: “Merging my background in X and Y, I now help [industry] improve [these outcomes].” You can also break your story into parts:

  1. Here’s what I did in the previous phase of my career + what I learned from that…
  2. And here’s what I can do for you based on what I’ve learned…

Now, create a connection between you and the company:

  • What can we do together?
  • It’s not about what you can get from them; it’s about what you can give to them

But, how do I format the cover letter?

First paragraph: The hook
  • Show why you’re interested in the position
  • Mention how you found out about the opening
  • State the position you’re applying
  • Use the title from the job listing
Middle paragraph: Why you? Why this company?
  • Connect your accomplishments, skills, and knowledge to the position and company
  • Demonstrate the soft skills the role requires by using examples from your experience
  • Tie the company to your experiences
Final paragraph: Now, bring the company + you together
  • Summarize what you would bring to the position and suggest next steps by requesting a meeting or a call (be specific)
  • Thank them for reading your materials
  • Ask for an interview

Do’s and Don’ts on Cover Letters

There is no one-size-fits-all way to write a cover letter; there are multiple ways to write an effective cover letter. However, there are some general rules to follow:

  • Any time you mention yourself connect it explicitly to the job/company
  • Keep it concise (no more than a page; half a page is ideal)
  • If you’ve met someone at the company, drop their name!
  • State the position you’re applying for in the first line

If you find yourself with:

  • Very long/wordy cover letters, try reading it out loud to find extraneous details. Cut those to make easily skimmable, shorter paragraphs
  • A cover letter that is all about you, try reframing sentences about you by starting the sentence talking about the company and segue into how you can provide value to them based on your experiences and skills
  • Grammar and spelling errors, try Grammarly or the Hemingway App. Reading cover letters aloud or having a peer proofread will also help you catch a lot of those mistakes.

Cover Letter Next Steps & Resources

Deliverable for Cover Letter Lesson:

  1. Look for a job description that interests you.
  2. Create a cover letter based on a job description.
  3. Format, structure, and create your cover letter using the Cover letter guide and template

Additional Resources:

General Checklist

Use this checklist to make sure your cover letters have all the necessary components.


  • Clean, easy-to-follow
  • No more than one page
  • Paragraphs spaced apart

Heading & Contact Info

  • Name: stand outs, easy to read
  • Title: “software developer/front end engineer/back end engineer,” stand outs, easy to read, comparable in size to name (optional)
  • Email address
  • Phone number
  • GitHub link
  • LinkedIn link
  • Personal website (optional)

Opening & Closing

  • Opening: addressed to either a specific person or a specific team
  • Closing: Uses a closing phrase like “looking forward to hearing from you,” etc. and name is included
  • Clear and concise
  • No grammatical or spelling errors

Paragraph #1

  • Opening sentence makes it clear what position is being applied for
  • Provides a brief description of the job seeker’s career trajectory and how it connects to the company’s mission, product, user experience, customers, etc,
  • If applicable: references a contact at the company that they’ve spoken with
  • Clear and concise
  • No grammatical or spelling errors

Paragraph #2

  • Expands on why they’re qualified (going in-depth on skills/experience)
  • Describes a project/experience in which they demonstrate how they can do the job
  • Clear and concise
  • No grammatical or spelling errors

Paragraph #3

  • Makes a connection back to the company: how the job seeker can bring value to the company, passion about the product, what they hope to help the company achieve, etc.
  • Clear and concise
  • No grammatical or spelling errors

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