Rancid Tomatillos API Documentation

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You can view the data in your browser at https://rancid-tomatillos-api-cc6f59111a05.herokuapp.com/api/v1/movies

Pro Tip: Install this JSON Formatter Chrome Extension to make the data easier to read!


All API endpoints are prefixed with https://rancid-tomatillos-api-cc6f59111a05.herokuapp.com/.

Purpose URL Path Verb Data to Send Sample Sucessful Response Sample Unsuccessful Response
Get all movie posters /api/v1/movies GET n/a An array of movie objects, ex: [{"id": 1184918, "poster_path": "something.jpg", "title": "The Wild Robot", "vote_count": 9}, ...] n/a
Up or down vote a movie /api/v1/movies/:id PATCH The id of the movie you’re voting for in the URL and an object specifying an up or down vote in the request body, ex: { vote_direction: "up" } or { vote_direction: "down" } A single movie object with updated vote count, ex: {"id": 1184918, "poster_path": "something.jpg", "title": "The Wild Robot", "vote_count": 10} 4xx level response with a message like: No movie found with an ID of 123. Try again with an existing movie ID. or Expected body: { vote_direction: 'up' or 'down' }
Get a movie’s details /api/v1/movies/:id GET The id of the movie you need details for in the URL An object with movie details, ex: {"backdrop_path": "something.jpg", "genre_ids": ["Family"], "id": 1184918, "original_language": "en", "overview": "After a shipwreck, ...", "popularity": 199.001, "poster_path": "something.jpg", "release_date": "2024-09-12", "title": "The Wild Robot"} 4xx level response with a message like: No movie found with an ID of 38. Try again with an existing movie ID.

Endpoint Details

All resources are given a unique ID in the database. For instance, every movie has an id property, like 1 or 5. The IDs are used to reference each movie uniquely.

If you are sending information in the body of a request (like the PATCH), you will need to set the request header of Content-Type to application/json.

Collaboration Notes

Please note that all students in your cohort will be using the same endpoint. This means that when you are sending a PATCH, you are updating the data for ALL students. If the numbers seem to be acting weird, it’s probably because several of you are updating the vote count of the same movie at the same time. If you’d rather run the API locally to avoid this, you can - Here is the repo. Just note that when it’s time to deploy your application, you’ll want to point your network rquests back to the Heroku URL.

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