Rancid Tomatillos Evaluation

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Video Submission

For the project evaluation, each project team should prepare a 10 minute video presentation. Presentations longer than 10 minutes will not be reviewed and sent back for revision.

We do not expect anything fancy - we will only be evaluating you on the content, not the quality of your video. We recommend simply getting onto a Zoom call together and recording via Zoom’s tools.

All team members are expected to participate equally in the presentation. Students should focus on practicing technical communication that is succinct and utilizes appropriate technical vocabulary.

Slides are not required, but encouraged as a way to facilitate the presentation along with sharing specific code examples.

Instructors will review the video presentation. Scores and final comments will be sent to teams via Slack.

Your presentation should cover the following points:

  • App Functionality: Run through the app, click all the buttons, show the user experience, show off any extra features like responsive design, etc.
  • React Architecture: Talk about your component architecture and how your data is stored/passed around. Show us some code snippets, including how you handled the network requests.
  • Testing Coverage: Run the Cypress tests, showing successfully intercepted network requests. Show a couple code examples of tests you wrote, focusing on tests that were complex or that you are particularly proud of.
  • Router: Show the URL updates and a snippet of your Router code.
  • General Takeaways: Share some takeaways from this project, focusing on how you overcame challenges and specific things you’ve learned
  • Seek Feedback: Identify an area where you would like specific feedback


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