Viewing Part API Requirements

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  1. Fork and clone this base repo, and follow steps in the README to setup the application locally. Take a look at the existing endpoints and what functionality they’re providing. Make sure to look at the tests as a form of documentation!

  2. Register for an account with The Movie DB API

API Endpoints to Build

You will need to expose the data through a multitude of API endpoints. All of your endpoints should follow these technical expectations:

  • All endpoints will expect to return JSON data only
  • All endpoints should be exposed under an api and version (v1) namespace (e.g. /api/v1/movies)
  • API will be compliant to the JSON API spec and match our requirements below precisely. You may find that handrolling some serializers will be easier than using the JSON API gem for all of them. However, it is your choice - either strategy is fine.
  • Controller actions should be limited to only the standard Rails actions and follow good RESTful convention.
  • You will decide the most RESTful paths for your endpoints. Paths will not be given but must be determined by the student.
  • Your application’s README should document the paths and the requirements for each endpoint (i.e. should the API key be passed as a query parameter, or in the header?)

You will need to expose the following RESTful API endpoints for the following:

Extensions and Explorations

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