Personal Portfolio


Your personal portfolio is a place to highlight your work and skills. It can be used during your job hunt - you can send out links to your profile, and Turing staff may share your profile to employers who come to us asking for candidates.

Setup and Submission

You can either use this provided template or create your own portfolio from scratch. You should include all content listed below regardless of which route you choose.

When you are finished, submit the URL to your portfolio using this submission form.

This is due by EOD Friday of week 3. You are welcome and encouraged to submit earlier for feedback.

Required Content

  1. Title (ex: Software Developer)
  2. Professional-looking photo
    • This should be a photo of just you (no kids or animals, sorry!)
    • Use the same photo as your LinkedIn and GitHub profiles if possible
  3. About Me Description
    • Tell your professional story
    • Consider how this is consistent with your LinkedIn and overall brand
    • See below for more details on this section
    • Make sure to have someone else review this section for clarity, spelling, and grammar
  4. Email address
  5. GitHub profile link
  6. LinkedIn profile link
  7. Polished copy of resume
  8. Previous Industries
    • Limit to 5 previous industries. If you are concerned about this, please reach out to your Career Specialists.
  9. Skills
  10. At least 2 projects
    • Show variety: paired, team, individual
    • Include screenshots for any project with a frontend
    • Tools Used
    • Code repository link and Deployed link if available
    • See below for more details on project descriptions

Evaluation Details

Your portfolio is due by EOD Friday of week 4 via the submission form above. A passing portfolio will include all 10 of the required pieces of information listed above. If any are missing or incomplete, the project will not be considered passing until those sections are completed.

Completion of your portfolio is a graduation requirement.

Lesson Search Results

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