Solo Stretch Tech

Overview + Learning Goals

In this project, students will create a roadmap for and begin a 10-week-long project. That’s right - 10 weeks!

Turing grads often struggle post-graduation with establishing solid routines, keeping their technical skills sharp, and upskilling in new technical areas. The goals of this project are meant to directly address these areas:

  • Students will solidify a plan for the first 8 weeks of post-graduate life.
  • Students will create a project that they are enthusiastic about, giving them a strong story for interviews.
  • Students will continue to solidify programming concepts and add more skills to their resume.

For the most part, you will spend the next 2 weeks planning and getting your project set up so that you have something tangible to work on after graduation. You will only contribute a little bit of code to this project before graduation.

MVP (Minimum Viable Product)

You will be designing this application from the ground up. For the most part, you have control over what you build, but we want to help set you up for success by defining a few requirements for the product. We don’t want you choosing a project that is too small to last over the next 10 weeks and we don’t want you starting to code when you haven’t done your due diligence planning. For your MVP, we expect:

  • A clearly defined app idea with a specific audience
    • ex. “A budget management app for freelancers to track income, expenses, and tax deductions.”
  • A large enough scope to take 10+ weeks
  • Two stretch technologies (1 BE and 1 FE) implemented
  • The frontend and backend should “talk” at least 3 different places in the app, with at least one request mutating the data (POST, PATCH, PUT, DELETE)

Stretch Technologies

We expect you to implement 1 stretch tech from each menu below (2 total). If you would like to add more, you can, but be careful not to bite off too much. If there is a technology you’re interested in using that is not on these lists, let your instructor know and we’ll do our best to make it work.

Timeline + Deliverables

At the end of the days listed below, you will need to turn in certain deliverables. Your cohort calendar specifies the day of the stretch project so you can easily align when each set of deliverables are due. If you fall behind, talk to your instructor as soon as possible. We want to mimic what communication would look like on the job if you needed more time to complete your assigned tasks.

All deliverables will be turned in via this google sheet.

It’s time to start coding!

Your first PR will be pushed up by EOD Day 9. This PR will close one of your issues/tickets. Pick any user story from your project board and start working. If you’re finding it hard to close an issue in 2 days, the issue is too big. Revisit your project board and break your tickets into smaller chunks.

Presentation Guidelines


Your presentation will highlight your progress on this project and your plans for your job search moving forward. It’s an opportunity to reflect on your experiences and demonstrate how you’ve grown and learned throughout the process.


  • Student-directed presentation (~10-15 minutes)
    • Develop an organized slide deck or Google document to present your progress and plan moving forward.
    • Include visual aids, such as charts or graphs, to enhance your presentation.
  • Instructor feedback (~5 minutes)


Each student will deliver a slide presentation in front of your instructor. The presentation will include the following sections:

  1. Progress on the project so far
    • What have you accomplished so far?
    • What did you learn from spending ~a week on planning before jumping into the code?
    • How will you talk about this project in your job hunt?
  2. Reflections on your stretch techs
    • How have you approached learning these new technologies? How does this relate to learning things on the job?
    • What has been challenging?
  3. Plan for the project moving forward
    • How will you continue to be motivated to work on this?
  4. Organizing your post-grad time
    • Show us your calendar for the first 2 weeks post-graduation. This should include time for working on your Stretch Tech project AND job hunt activities/networking.


Passing this project is a requirement for graduation.

A student must pass all three rubric sections to pass this project.

If a student fails to meet expectations for one or more of the rubric sections, instructors will determine next steps.

Work Ethic

A student passes this section by:

  • Meeting all deadlines for deliverables
  • Communicating proactively and professionally when questions and challenges pop up
  • Demonstrating consistent engagement and effort throughout the project

Work Quality

A student passes this section by:

  • Delivering work that is thoughtful and complete
  • Ensuring that code is well-documented and adheres to best practices
  • Showing clear evidence of understanding of both frontend and backend code
  • Implementing and integrating stretch technologies effectively


A student passes this section by:

  • Following all instructions carefully from the Presentation Guidelines section
  • Presenting with clarity and confidence, showcasing a strong understanding of their project
  • Effectively using visual aids to enhance the presentation
  • Reflecting thoughtfully on both challenges and successes encountered during the project
  • Presenting a clear plan for after graduation

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