Hang In There - Solo

Learning Goals

  • Practice reading, understanding, and using existing code
  • Write clean, DRY JavaScript
    • Build out functionality using functions that show trends toward SRP
    • Manipulate the page after it has loaded by adding, removing, and updating elements on the DOM
    • Use array prototype iterator methods to reformat data and display it on the DOM
  • Use CSS and HTML to match styling and layout of provided comps


Sometimes you need a pick me up. Remember those motivational posters that were all over the place in classrooms and online? We’re going to make our own!



Set Up + Day 1 Deliverables

  1. Fork the repository found here: https://github.com/turingschool-examples/hang-in-there-boilerplate/.
  2. Use the command git clone <url> <newNameYouWantItToHave> to clone down your new, forked repo and rename it. The name should not include “boilerplate”.
  3. cd into the repository
  4. Open it in your text editor code .
  5. View the project in the browser by running open index.html in your terminal


  • Explore the repository to see what’s going on in the code. Look at each file.
    • What pieces of the existing code might you use to complete iterations, and what pieces will you have to create?
  • All of your JavaScript will be written in main.js. You will make edits and additions to the html and css files.

By EOD on Kick Off Day:

  • Read the entire project spec and rubric. Post questions in slack.
  • Add your project manager as a collaborator to your forked repository.

Additional detail is included in the pages below.

Lesson Search Results

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