Hang In There - Peer Code Review Template

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Peer Code Review

With your partner, please answer the following questions. Take notes and share those notes with your partner.

  1. Review your functionality for hiding and showing sections as users navigate the application:
    • Discuss the decisions you made on how to approach this.
    • Could anything be refactored to clean this logic up by using arguments and parameters?
  2. Review the html used for the mini posters in the Saved Posters section:
    • Are your html approaches similar? Are they semantic?
    • Discuss why you each took the approach you took.
    • Discuss how you each worked to keep to the conventions in the existing code.
    • Identify any opportunity each of you might have to refactor this code
  3. Review the html used for the unmotivational posters feature:
    • Are your html approaches similar? Are they semantic?
    • Discuss why you each took the approach you took.
    • Discuss how you each worked to keep to the conventions in the existing code.
    • Identify any opportunity each of you might have to refactor this code
  4. Review each other’s approach to CSS styling and flexbox.
    • Is their application matching the provided comps well?
    • Is their CSS code organized and easy to follow?
    • Discuss what you found challenging about the CSS work.
  5. Review each other’s code from an organizational perspective. Focus on DRY (Don’t Repeat Yourself) and SRP (Single Responsibility Principle)
    • Does anything stick out as particularly readable, or well-organized?
    • Where are there areas for improvement in organization or readability?
    • With these principles in mind, offer feedback to each other on ways they might refactor their code.
  6. Compare each other’s git history (easiest to do by reviewing the commits/branches on GitHub)
    • What did you find most challenging about using git/GitHub?
  7. Discuss what you each found most difficult about the project.
  8. Discuss what you each are proudest of from this project.

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