Module 2 - Lessons
- HTML: Fundamentals
- CSS: Fundamentals
- CSS: Flexbox
- CSS: Intro To Layout (prework for Flexbox lesson)
- JS: Fundamentals
- JS: Intro to DOM Manipulation
- JS: DOM Manipulation II
- JS: Array Prototype Methods
- JS: Approaching Problems Many Ways
- JS: Dot and Bracket Notation
- JS: Object Literals: Accessing, Creating, and Modifying Values
- Midmods Practice
Web Applications
Rails Development
- Beginner Rails Workshop
- One to Many Relationships in the Database
- One to Many Relationships in Rails
- Introduction to MVC
- Introduction to Building an API
- Building an API in Rails
- Serializers
- Routing: REST
- Advanced Routing
- Model Testing
- Data Validations
- Error Handling
- Error Handling pt 2: DRYing it up
- Active Record: Class vs Instance Methods
Professional Development
- Overview
- Building Your Brand on LinkedIn
- Networking, Outreach and Coffee Chats
- Networking
- Getting Job Hunt Ready